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Welcome to the 30th Congress
of the International Society
for Forensic Genetics
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
9-13 September 2024
Poster Sessions Program
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and find all posters.


It is our great pleasure to extend a warm and heartfelt invitation to all of you to come to Santiago de Compostela for the 30th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics – ISFG 2024.

With this meeting in Santiago, we are revisiting a city that is known not only for its rich cultural heritage, but also its deep-rooted history in the field of Forensic Genetics, as the home of one of the most active groups in the field.

(All dates and deadlines refer to spanish time)
From June 1, 2024 to July 31, 2024 Regular Registration Fee
From August 1, 2024 Late Registration Fee
9th and 10th Sept. 2024 Pre-Congress Workshops
10th Sept. (afternoon) Opening Ceremony & Welcome cocktail
13rd Sept. 2024 (night) Gala Dinner

Exhibitors & Sponsors

Biosecure ID




Why attend?

Scientific Program

We have arranged a diverse program that encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, from the latest advances in DNA profiling techniques, to discussions on the ethical considerations that underpin our work.

Congress Committees

The organizing and scientific committees include some of the most prestigious and well-known professionals in the field of forensic genetics.

Multidisciplinary and diverse

We are privileged to have an array of well-respected speakers who will share their insights and expertise with us. Moreover, we encourage all of you to actively participate in the program of workshops and fully engage in the networking opportunities the Congress and this beautiful city offer.

Meet your national and international colleagues

This congress will bring together more than 1000 scientists, researchers, practitioners, analysis system developers and healthcare providers from around the world to share an unforgettable experience together.


Santiago de Compostela. This spanish city was declared a World Heritage City by UNESCO thanks to its monumental beauty, extraordinary levels of conservation and as the final destination of a thousand-year-old pilgrims route: the Way of St. James, which, since the 9th century, has transformed this “finis terrae” into a meeting place for thousand of visitor from all over the world.

Meeting Commences in…
  • 00 days
  • 00 hours
  • 00 minutes
  • 00 seconds
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