E-posters submission


Accepted papers in Poster format will be presented by electronic format (e-poster). These will be displayed on touch screens that will be installed at the congress venue.

Deadline for e-posters submission: 25th August 2024.

Platform for sending and receiving digital posters

The organization has provided a platform for the submission of posters, through which you can create and upload your poster so that it can be displayed on the screens located at the Congress venue.

IMPORTANT: the deadline for submitting your poster will be AUGUST 25th, 2024 at 23:59:00 hours CET ((spanish time).

Any poster not received before this date, despite having been accepted by the scientific committee, will not be able to be presented during the Congress, nor will it be able to receive the corresponding certificate.

Poster Template

The congress organization has made available a template in Power Point format, which is MANDATORY for you to use in order to elaborate your poster based on this template (download template here).

We remind you that the poster must have the same contents referred to in the abstract and the structure that appears in the regulations.

However, it is allowed to vary the composition of the template, as well as the inclusion of graphs, figures, photographs, etc.

How to submit

IMPORTANT: only the same person (presenting author) who sent the accepted abstract will be able to access the submission platform to upload the poster.

You must access with your access codes:

User: email of the presenting author
Password: (Sent to the email of the presenting author)

Instructions to create your poster

Remember, don’t change the size of the template neither the orientation. Don’t delete the congress banner, all posters must keep the same appearance.
Select a plain background without ornaments. If possible clear backgrounds, to improve the display. It’s important that the background color contrast with the text.
Letter size must be equal or greater than 26 pts. Keep in mind that using smaller fonts can cause reading difficulties.

Font size in graphics and legends must be larger than 22 pts. If you create the graph with a letter larger than 22 points and then reduce it to paste it on the poster, you will have reduced the letter and it won’t be read. You must create the graph letter when you have the graph size adapted.

The typefaces recommended are Verdana or Arial. It’s important to avoid fonts that are difficult to read.

Title should be brief and clearly indicate the content.


  • Initials and Surnames for every author must be provided.
  • Do not include degrees or titles.
  • The name of the presenting author should be marked at the online form.
  • An author’s name appearing on more than one abstract must be identical in each case.


  • Each author should be listed by institution, city, state/province and country.
  • Do not include department, division, laboratory, etc.
  • In abstracts where the authors have different affiliations, please indicate for each author the number of the corresponding affiliation


  • ALL text must be written in ENGLISH.
  • It should not exceed 300 words including tables which must be in text format, not graphic format.
  • Abstracts will be reproduced exactly as submitted and will not be edited in any way.
  • Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Use standard abbreviations generic drug names. Place unusual abbreviations or acronyms in parentheses after first use.
  • Do NOT identify author(s) or institution(s) in text. Make the abstract as informative as possible. Conclusions must be supported by data.
  • If it is possible, use this structure (without the headings):
    • Background or Introduction
    • Material and methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions

No changes to the submitted abstracts will be made by the organization.