Posters Sessions Program

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The presentation of the authors consists only of answering questions from participants. Participants are encouraged to view the posters in advance and bring their questions prepared on the day and time of the poster presentation.

Each e-poster presenting author has been allocated 6 minutes to answer potential questions from participants about their e-poster,

Electronic Posters or E-Posters are similar to traditional paper posters, but displayed on-site on a large LCD television screen and are available for electronic viewing at all times for participants.

E-Posters will be available at the 14 E-Posters stations in the Exhibition Area at the Congress. Viewers will be able to easily find and browse E-Posters in each of them.

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Session - DateSession - NameSession - StartSession - EndScreenPoster nr.Start TimeEnd TimePaper TitlePresenting AuthorCountry
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0110:1511:45Screen 1P-00210:2110:27Comparison of DNA preservation between petrous bone and tooth cementum analysing five skeletons from the modern era archaeological siteProf. Irena Zupanič PajničSlovenia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0110:1511:45Screen 1P-00310:2710:33Evaluation of DNA from teeth subjected to various extreme ante-mortem degradation factors: preliminary studyProf. Ana María SalazarChile
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0110:1511:45Screen 1P-00410:3310:39Evaluation of the usefulness of insertion-null markers in critical skeletal remainsDr. Christian HaarkötterSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0110:1511:45Screen 1P-00510:3910:45Identification of decades-old bone samples by microhaplotype markers Dr. Filomena MelchiondaItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0110:1511:45Screen 1P-00610:4510:51Head over Heels? Your DNA says otherwise: insight into ICMP's unique bone database.Mrs. Chiara BoveriNetherlands
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0110:1511:45Screen 1P-00710:5110:5712 real forensic caseworks solved by the DNA STR-typing of skeletal remains exposed to extremely environment conditions, without the conventional bone pulverization stepDr. Gavino PirasItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0110:1511:45Screen 1P-00810:5711:03The Improved Ancient DNA Extraction Method was Applied to Human Remains ResearchMrs. Guihong LiuChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0110:1511:45Screen 1P-00911:0311:09AN ASSESSMENT OF DNA RECOVERY FROM TEETH SUBMERGED IN A SEMI-NATURAL MARINE ENVIRONMENTMs. Lisa MalanSouth Africa
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0110:1511:45Screen 1P-01011:0911:15DNA profiling of burnt teeth: Effects of burning temperature on DNA quantification and profiling successMr. Adriaan GeldenhuysSouth Africa
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0110:1511:45Screen 1P-01111:1511:21Y-chromosomal Analysis of Highly Degraded DNA from Skeletal Remains over 70 Years OldDr. Liangliang LiChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-01210:1510:21Genetic identification of human remains in Mexico – is the 8-dye PowerPlex® 35GY System suitable for degraded tissues?Mrs. Valentina Leonie BirneGermany
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-01310:2110:27Molecular analysis of ancient human remains belonging to multiple unknown burials discovered in an Italian middle age archaeological siteDr. Denise GianfredaItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-01410:2710:33The contribution of seawater in DNA degradation: comparison of genetic results from skeletal remains affected by different taphonomic conditions in forensic contextsMr. Mattia PorcuItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-01510:3310:39Evaluation of Genomic Methods for Sex Prediction of Historical RemainsDr. Kimberly Sturk-AndreaggiUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-01610:3910:45Testing Methods for the Maximum Recovery of DNA from Degraded RemainsMr. Erin RawlsUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-01710:4510:51Optimisation and evaluation of forensic DNA recovery from post-mortem nail samples Prof. Laura HeathfieldSouth Africa
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-01810:5110:57Exploring the Effects of Temperature-Dependent Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing from Incinerated Tooth Samples: A Preliminary StudyDr. Kangana AggarwalIndia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-01910:5711:03The recovery and analysis of DNA from burned bone and tissue.Prof. Anne StoneUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-02011:0311:0916S rRNA and metagenomics sequencing to decode human thanatomicrobiomeDr. Xin HuangChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-02111:0911:15DNA methylation as a marker for post-mortem interval (PMI) estimation in Sus scrofa in southern Ontario (Dfb)Mrs. Irina Badell GarciaCanada
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0210:1511:45Screen 2P-02211:1511:21Species-level thanatomicrobiome analysis in human intestinal tissue for forensic PMI estimationDr. Jianye ZengChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0310:1511:45Screen 3P-02310:1510:21Abnormal Inheritance Patterns Detection and Identification in Paternity Testing using Bayesian NetworksDr. Eduardo AvilaBrazil
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0310:1511:45Screen 3P-02410:2110:27AI-based, automated detection of spermatozoa in standard forensic specimens.Dr. Christian SchunckGermany
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0310:1511:45Screen 3P-02510:2710:33Forensic Kinship Classification Based on CE Genotyping Platform from the Machine Learning Perspective: A Pilot Study on A Newly Validated Six-Dye InDel PanelMr. Fanzhang LeiChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0310:1511:45Screen 3P-02810:4510:51A Machine Learning Algorithm for Modelling Y-STRs' MutationsDr. Nadia PintoPortugal
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0310:1511:45Screen 3P-02910:5110:57Comparative study of three convolutional neural network models for DNA profile prediction based on electropherogram imagesDr. Hyun-chul ParkSouth Korea
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0310:1511:45Screen 3P-03010:5711:03Predicting Ancestry with the help of Autosomal STR ProfilesMr. Dejan ŠorgićSerbia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0310:1511:45Screen 3P-03111:0311:09Geolocation of Chinese soil samples using eDNA and machine learning for forensic purposesDr. Le WangChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0310:1511:45Screen 3P-02611:3311:39Inference of the number of contributors and involved kinship in complex DNA mixtures using machine learningMr. Haoyu WangChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0310:1511:45Screen 3P-02711:3911:45Estimation of time of death from RNA integrityDr. YaFei WangChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0410:1511:45Screen 4P-03410:1510:21A comparison of likelihood ratios obtained from EuroForMix and STRmix™ for two and three contributor mixture profiles Dr. Manuela SaccenteItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0410:1511:45Screen 4P-03510:2110:27An open source tool for simulating single source and mixed DNA profiles involving relatives and linked lociDr. Maarten KruijverNew Zealand
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0410:1511:45Screen 4P-03710:3310:39A new algorithm for robust detection of IBD segments from challenging DNA samplesDr. Ran LiChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0410:1511:45Screen 4P-03810:3910:45A bioinformatic mixture study approach as an alternative to lab-based mixtures for massively parallel sequencing dataMrs. Jacqueline ThomasUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0410:1511:45Screen 4P-03910:4510:51Recurring PCR artefacts observed in forensic STR typing of human skeletal remains: possible explanations and interpretation strategiesDr. Elena ChiertoItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0410:1511:45Screen 4P-04010:5110:57KongohPlus: An R-shiny package for probabilistic genotyping software based on an MCMC approachDr. Sho ManabeJapan
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0410:1511:45Screen 4P-04110:5711:03Bridging expertise and data-driven approaches in forensic analysis: Validation of the DNA Decision Support ToolDr. Corina BenschopNetherlands
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0510:1511:45Screen 5P-04510:1510:21Further assessment of biogeographical ancestry in Eurasian populationsAna Freire-AradasSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0510:1511:45Screen 5P-04610:2110:27Quo vadis, BGA? A reflective assessment of the status of forensic predictions of biogeographical ancestryDr. Marta DiepenbroekGermany
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0510:1511:45Screen 5P-04710:2710:33Biogeographical ancestry prediction in forensic investigations: Creation of reference population data sets to support operational decision makingMrs. Felicity PoulsenAustralia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0510:1511:45Screen 5P-04810:3310:39A Compact 12-Microhaplotype Panel for Enhanced Ancestry InferenceProf. FAN LIUSaudi Arabia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0510:1511:45Screen 5P-04910:3910:45Unlocking the Potential of the ForenSeq Kintelligence Kit SNPs for Biogeographical Ancestry InferenceMr. Peter ResutikSwitzerland
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0510:1511:45Screen 5P-05010:4510:51Exploring STRs as an approach to continental biogeographical ancestry inferenceSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0510:1511:45Screen 5P-05110:5110:57Highlighting the Potential of Microhaplotypes for Eastern Asian Ancestry Inference via Machine Learning ApproachMs. Haeun YouSouth Korea
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0510:1511:45Screen 5P-05210:5711:03Development of a new microhaplotype panel for ancestry inference Mr. Pedro RodriguesPortugal
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0510:1511:45Screen 5P-05311:0311:09Comparison of genome-based and anthropological-based ancestry estimations for unidentified human remainsMr. Sammed MandapeUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0510:1511:45Screen 5P-05411:0911:15Evaluation of genome-wide microhaplotypes derived from the 1000 Genomes Project for ancestry inferenceMrs. Yifan WeiChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0610:1511:45Screen 6P-05610:1510:21Alternatives to multinomial logistic regression data input in the outcome of pigmentation traits forensic prediction.Prof. Clarice AlhoBrazil
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0610:1511:45Screen 6P-05710:2110:27Use of MicroRNA Expression in DNA extracts to Predict Body Weight Class in Forensic SamplesDr. Sarah Seashols-WilliamsUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0610:1511:45Screen 6P-05810:2710:33Integrating physical anthropological techniques and emerging methodologies using a quasi-landmark mesh to decode the upper facial region from DNAMrs. Belén Navarro LópezSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0610:1511:45Screen 6P-05910:3310:39Forensic DNA Profiling and Phenotyping from Tobacco Sticks and Nails with Semi-Permanent Polish SamplesDr. Giulia FazioItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0610:1511:45Screen 6P-06010:3910:45Phenotype prediction in Croatian population using ForenSeq® DNA Signature Prep kitDr. Lucija BarbarićCroatia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0610:1511:45Screen 6P-06110:4510:51Prediction of hair colour from genotype in the Argentine population: a preliminary studyDr. Cecilia Inés CatanesiArgentina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0610:1511:45Screen 6P-06210:5110:57DNA methylation-based models for predicting multiple phenotypesMr. Sang Un ParkSouth Korea
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0610:1511:45Screen 6P-06411:0311:09A Profile of Unidentified Human Remains Cases Solved Using Forensic Genetic Genealogy Dr. Heather MckiernanUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0610:1511:45Screen 6P-06511:0911:15Genetic distribution on 5 SNPs associated with ear morphology in the Han Chinese populationMrs. Xindi WangChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0710:1511:45Screen 7P-06710:1510:21Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) and Nanopore Sequencing as a Presumptive and Confirmatory Tool for the Identification of Endangered Species Common to the Illegal Wildlife TradeMrs. Olivia YugovichNew Zealand
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0710:1511:45Screen 7P-06810:2110:27Highly portable, specific and sensitive platform for fast-track wildlife species identification.Dr. Nidhi SubhashiniGermany
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0710:1511:45Screen 7P-06910:2710:33The Canine DNA Recovery Project: Current Findings and Next StepsDr. Nick DawnayUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0710:1511:45Screen 7P-07010:3310:39NanoSSID: a bioinformatics pipeline for species identification in forensic geneticsDr. Jing LiuChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0710:1511:45Screen 7P-07110:3910:45Saving Bambi: Whole genome sequencing of Dama dama (fallow deer) and an investigation into their profound lack of genetic diversityMrs. Rebecca BarnardUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0710:1511:45Screen 7P-07210:4510:51Development and validation of a fluorescence PCR assay for the species identification of ten animalsMr. xia ruochengChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0710:1511:45Screen 7P-07310:5110:57Molecular Tools for species-specific qPCR STR-based Individual Identification of Lynx lynx in Forensic CaseworkMrs. Karolina MahlerováCzech Republic
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0710:1511:45Screen 7P-07410:5711:03Species identification using mtDNA MinibarcodingMrs. Kristýna HebenstreitováCzech Republic
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0710:1511:45Screen 7P-07511:0311:09Little Red Riding Hood and the bad wolf (or lynx, or maybe even bear …)" - on the return of large predators in Germany and the influence on forensic caseworkDr. Thorsten SchwarkLuxembourg
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0810:1511:45Screen 8P-07810:1510:21Absolute Quantification of Bacterial DNA in Degraded Forensic Samples: A Comparative Evaluation of Real-Time PCR and Digital PCRDr. Mohammed AlbujjaUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0810:1511:45Screen 8P-07910:2110:27Identification of genome-wide polymorphic microsatellites in cattle (Bos taurus)Dr. Jiajun LiuChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0810:1511:45Screen 8P-08010:2710:33Bacterial and Fungal Succession in the Oral Cavity and Soil Surrounding Decomposing Pig CarcassesMr. Elie TiècheSwitzerland
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0810:1511:45Screen 8P-08110:3310:39An NGS-based Panel of Cattle (Bos taurus) Multi-source Genetic Markers: Development and ValidationMrs. Jiaojiao GengChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0810:1511:45Screen 8P-08210:3910:45The use of canine autosomal STRs for breed determinationMrs. Federica GiangasparoUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0810:1511:45Screen 8P-08310:4510:51Using the microbiome in soil to locate the origin of soil stains Mrs. Aurora HofsvangNorway
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0810:1511:45Screen 8P-08410:5110:57Standardization of Molecular Analysis Techniques for DNA Identification of Bird Species from EggshellsMrs. Gabriella SilvaBrazil
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0810:1511:45Screen 8P-08510:5711:03The "Bear" Necessities: A multi-agency database for DNA identification of American black bears Prof. Maureen HickmanUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0810:1511:45Screen 8P-08611:0311:09Forensic genetics in the conservation of Guiana DolphinsProf. Dayse SILVABrazil
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0810:1511:45Screen 8P-08711:0911:15Development of Species-Specific cf-DNA Markers for Improved Accuracy in Wildlife ForensicsMr. Jaya Ashwin D SIndia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-08910:1510:21Phylogeography of Y-chromosome haplogroup I-P37.2 in Serbian population groups originating from the Balkan PeninsulaMrs. Milica Mihajlović SrejićSerbia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-09010:2110:27The genetic male component of Afro-descendant from Pará (Brazil)Mrs. JULYANA RIBEIROBrazil
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-09110:2710:33The Qatari population’s genetic structure and gene flow as revealed by the Y chromosomeDr. Eida AlmohammedQatar
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-09210:3310:39Mutation Rates of 23 Y-Chromosome Short Tandem Repeats (Y-STRs) in an Ecuadorian Male PopulationDr. Ana Karina ZambranoEcuador
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-09310:3910:45Evaluation of mutation rates in Nigerian father-son pairs using Y-STR markersMr. Simon KnightsUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-09410:4510:51Genetic characterization of Y-chromosomal STRs in Santander department of Colombia.Dr. Adriana CastilloColombia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-09510:5111:57Exploring Y-DNA haplogroup diversity in the British IslesDr. Sasitaran IyavooUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-09610:5711:03Haplogroup-specific differences in mutation rates and detected polymorphisms of 30 RM Y-STR loci in father-son pairs from SerbiaProf. Dušan KeckarevićSerbia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-09711:0311:09A Study of the X-chromosome's Role in Population Genetics on a Worldwide ScaleMr. Abdullah HadiUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-09811:0911:15Forensic and population genetic analysis of the X-STR loci in the ForenSeq™ Signature Prep Kit in the Ghanaian populationDr Pet-Paul WepebaUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S0910:1511:45Screen 9P-09911:1511:21Exploring the Genetic Landscape: Population Diversity of Rapidly Mutating Y-STRs for the Five Major Ethnic Groups in Ghana Using the Novel 26 RM Yplex KitMr. Festus AgbateyUnited Arab Emirates
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1010:1511:45Screen 10P-10010:1510:21A case study of a male inferred to be of Japanese origin based on Y-STRs haplotypes.Dr. Toshimichi YamamotoJapan
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1010:1511:45Screen 10P-10110:2110:27Characterization of 94 Identity-Informative SNPs in a North-Eastern Italian population using ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep KitDr. Chiara SaccardoItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1010:1511:45Screen 10P-10210:2710:33Unraveling genetic variants: isoalleles at the DXS10146 locus may cause genotyping errorsProf. Maria João PrataPortugal
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1010:1511:45Screen 10P-10310:3310:39Investigation to the mutation of 26 RM Y-STRs based on Han population in Sichuan, ChinaProf. Bo JinChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1010:1511:45Screen 10P-10410:3910:45Rapidly mutating Y-STRs implemented in the RMplex tool significantly improve discrimination capacity in clan-structured populationsFulvio CrucianiItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1010:1511:45Screen 10P-10510:4510:51Rapidly mutating Y chromosomal STRs in deep-rooted endogamous pedigrees from punjab pakistanDr. Shahid NazirPakistan
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1010:1511:45Screen 10P-10610:5110:57FORENSIC CHARACTERISTICS Y-STRs IN THE SERBIAN POPULATION USING THE NOVEL 26 RT Y-STRs MULTIPLEX ASSAYDr. Dragana ZgonjaninSerbia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1010:1511:45Screen 10P-10811:0311:09Molecular diversity of 23 Y-STR Genetic Markers in Endogamous Ramgharia Population of Punjab, India Dr. Amandeep Kaur BhambaraIndia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1010:1511:45Screen 10P-11011:1511:21Reconstructing the genetic admixture history of Roma people: Insights from genome‐wide SNP data from Punjab, Pakistan.Dr. Atif AdnanChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-11110:1510:21Optimizing Template Input: Complex Family pedigrees M-FISys with LIMSDr. Diana C. Vinueza-EspinosaSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-11210:2110:27Use of 3915 kinship SNPs-Microarrays in missing person identification in the absence of two generationsDr. Mariana Herrera PiñeroArgentina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-11310:2710:33Assessing a High Throughput SNP Assay for Closed Scenario Kinship InvestigationMr. Kevin KieslerUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-11410:3310:39KINSHIP ANALYSIS FOR HUMAN IDENTIFICATION OF THE KOREAN WAR VICTIMSDr. Yu Na OhSouth Korea
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-11510:3910:45It’s all relative: A multi-generational family study using KintelligenceDr. Runa DanielAustralia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-11610:4510:51How to Talk to Your Genetic Genealogist: The Language of KinshipMrs. Tynan PetersonUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-11710:5110:57UnKintelligible: Two Genealogists’ First Look at KintelligenceProf. Melanie ArmstrongUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-11810:5711:03Research on distant kinship estimation using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism: utilizing the ForenSeq® Verogen Kintelligence KitMr. Se-yong KimSouth Korea
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-11911:0311:09Construction of a new multiplex system and integrated mutation rate analysis of 11 Y-STRs in father-son pairsDr. Chaoran SunChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-12011:0911:15A systematic approach for interpreting siblingship: A pilot study on genetically secluded Lebanese populationMrs. Sarah AbbasLebanon
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1210:1511:45Screen 12P-12210:1510:21NEWPAT: Development of a non-invasive paternity test with high specificityMrs. Letizia PistacchiaItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1210:1511:45Screen 12P-12310:2110:27Noninvasive prenatal paternity testing: a new contribution from DIP-STRs markers Ms. Laura CarraraSwitzerland
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1210:1511:45Screen 12P-12410:2710:33Impact of additional STR loci and maternal inclusion on the accuracy of duo and trio paternity tests: A comparative studyMs. Hannah FontanilUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1210:1511:45Screen 12P-12510:3310:39Exploring the Long-Term DNA Stability on Buccal 4N6FLOQSwabs® in Simulated Paternity Cases using a Traditional and an Alternative Forensic Workflow Mrs. Anna FranzoniItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1210:1511:45Screen 12P-12610:3910:45Expansion of familial searching capabilities through simultaneous searches and Y STR based searchesDr. Arnoud KalNetherlands
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1210:1511:45Screen 12P-12710:4510:51Unravelling Familial Bonds: Differential Profiling of Closely Related Males from a single family (Satuniya-Patel Family) of India using 26 Rapidly Mutating Y-STR MarkersDr. Bhargav PatelIndia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1210:1511:45Screen 12P-12810:5110:57Forensic complex kinship inferences with a combination of STRs and MHs accounting for linkageJiaming XueChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1210:1511:45Screen 12P-12910:5711:03Kinship testing using X-STR linkage groups on a Tamil pedigreeMs. Sharlize Pedroza MatuteUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1210:1511:45Screen 12P-13011:0311:09Pairwise kinship testing of first-degree to seventh-degree relatives using 5940 SNPsDr. Tiantian ShanChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1210:1511:45Screen 12P-13211:1511:21Investigating the correlation between mutations and meiosis in Chinese pedigrees based on 30 newly suggested Y-STRs with high mutation ratesMr. Hewen YaoChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1310:1511:45Screen 13P-13310:1510:21Simplified DE Method for the RapidHIT ID to Obtain Investigative Leads from Sexual Assault EvidenceDr. Jack BallantyneUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1310:1511:45Screen 13P-13410:2110:27Developmental Validation of the Maxwell® DE System for Efficient Sperm Cell Separation in Sexual Assault Sample AnalysisMrs. Margaret EwingUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1310:1511:45Screen 13P-13510:2710:33Exploring Immunomagnetic Isolation of SpermatozoaMs. Julia WangUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1310:1511:45Screen 13P-13610:3310:39Single cell sorting of spermatozoa: a validation study for integration in forensic caseworkMrs. Kristina FokiasBelgium
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1310:1511:45Screen 13P-13710:3910:45Test of the Hy-liter system for the identification of spermatozoa in sexual assault casesDr. Frédéric GrosjeanSwitzerland
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1310:1511:45Screen 13P-13810:4510:51Development of a new automated sexual assault sample processing kit Dr. Sarah Aurora HessGermany
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1310:1511:45Screen 13P-13910:5110:57Alkaline lysis of sperm cells from forensic sexual assault samplesMrs. Christina ForsbergSweden
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1310:1511:45Screen 13P-14010:5711:03Cellular Selfies – Optimisation of Flow Cytometry-Based Methodologies for Identification and Isolation of Epithelial Cells in the Context of Forensic ScienceMrs. Ishana SomersAustralia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1310:1511:45Screen 13P-14111:0311:09Mass spectrometry-based proteomics for source-level attribution of body fluids after DNA extractionLayal ZaarourAustralia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1410:1511:45Screen 14P-14410:1510:21Efficiency of differential extraction techniques: automated versus manual separation of sperm from non-sperm cells Mrs. Francisca DuijsNetherlands
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1410:1511:45Screen 14P-14510:2110:27mRNA profiling and donor association of mock case samples: Results of two EDNAP collaborative exercisesProf. Cordula HaasSwitzerland
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1410:1511:45Screen 14P-14610:2710:33Connecting the dots: matching a genetic profile with its cell type in mixed evidence, at a single cell levelDr Rossana LanzellottoItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1410:1511:45Screen 14P-14710:3310:39Hair root staining and STR typing.Mr. Joseph DonfackUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1410:1511:45Screen 14P-14810:3910:45Identification of body fluids using RT-LAMP isothermal amplification coupled with CRISPR-Cas12aDr. Courtney LynchNew Zealand
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1410:1511:45Screen 14P-14910:4510:51Rapid On-site Screening of Male, Saliva, and ABO blood types using Direct Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) and Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)Ms. Yebin KimSouth Korea
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1410:1511:45Screen 14P-15010:5110:57Inference of forensic body fluids/tissues based on mitochondrial DNA copy number: a preliminary studyProf. Hongyu SunChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1410:1511:45Screen 14P-15110:5711:03Developmental validation of an mRNA-cSNP profiling panel for body fluids identification and individualizationDr. Zhiyong LiuChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1410:1511:45Screen 14P-15211:0311:09Evaluating novel and conventional cell-separation techniques for sexual assault investigations and first applicationsDr. Janine SchulteSwitzerland
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1410:1511:45Screen 14P-15311:0911:15A new strategy for associating donors with forensic body fluids based on STRs and biofluid-specific CpG markersDr. Zeqin LiChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0115:4516:45Screen 1P-15615:4115:51Expanding the Base: Adding STR sequencing into STRBaseMrs. Lisa BorsukUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0115:4516:45Screen 1P-15515:4515:51Usefulness of one-off DNA database searches in SwitzerlandDr. Patrick BassetSwitzerland
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0115:4516:45Screen 1P-15715:5716:03The importance of staff genetic profiles in DNA databasesMrs. Vanessa BogasPortugal
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0115:4516:45Screen 1P-15816:0316:09Diagenetic research of factors influencing the performance of biomolecular investigations of human skeletal remains from Spanish Civil War graves.Dr. Caterina RaffoneSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0115:4516:45Screen 1P-15916:0916:15bs-LIMS®: a unique tool for mass human identification applied to LR threshold calibration for kinship analysesDr. Laurent Tournois, Dr. Dr. Ingrid MasseFrance
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0115:4516:45Screen 1P-16016:1516:21FamLink2: A Comprehensive Tool for Kinship Analysis in Forensic GeneticsDr. Daniel KlingSweden
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0115:4516:45Screen 1P-16116:2116:27Investigating the utility of large-scale SNP panels for distinguishing between degrees of relatedness within kinship investigationsMs. Somruetai SatmunUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0115:4516:45Screen 1P-16216:2716:33oYSTR: A new Y-chromosomal ancestor estimator to improve speed, accuracy and versatility for forensic Y-DNA kinship investigationsDr. Sofie ClaerhoutBelgium
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0115:4516:45Screen 1P-16316:3316:39A comparison of likelihood ratios between STR sequencing and capillary electrophoresis for a set of complex mixturesDr. Maja SidstedtSweden
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0215:4516:45Screen 2P-16415:4515:51Developmental Validation Testing of the Integrated Quantifiler™ Trio-HRM Mixture Screening AssayDr. Tracey Dawson GreenUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0215:4516:45Screen 2P-16515:5115:57Internal Validation of MaSTR™ and NOCIt® Software: A Casework Lab PerspectiveDr. Teresa Snyder-leibyUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0215:4516:45Screen 2P-16615:5716:03Comprehensive data management thought a MySQL database for forensic studiesMr. Vicente Soriano-ChironaSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0215:4516:45Screen 2P-16716:0316:09Automation in DNAxs makes large scale DNA forensic intelligence on criminal cooperation and organization a realityMrs. Femke Van GennipNetherlands
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0215:4516:45Screen 2P-16816:0916:15Evaluation of uncertainties in investigations of different type of kinship scenariosDr. Eszter RockenbauerDenmark
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0215:4516:45Screen 2P-16916:1516:21Fast DNA IDentification Line 2.0, an automated software expert system for (mixed) DNA-profile analysis, interpretation, comparison and reporting in criminal caseworkDr. Jord NagelNetherlands
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0215:4516:45Screen 2P-17016:2116:27Increasing Open-Source Applied Genetics Software Adoption through a Community-Based Development Project: Forensic Genetics Open-Source Software (F-GOSS®).Dr. Yogesh PrasadUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0215:4516:45Screen 2P-17116:2716:33A general approach for combining non-genetic and genetic data to solve complex kinship casesDr. Franco MarsicoArgentina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0215:4516:45Screen 2P-17216:3316:39A comprehensive, reusable, scalable, and secure bioinformatics platform for validated forensic scienceDr. Alper KucukuralUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0315:4516:45Screen 3P-17315:4515:51Informativity offered by 12 X-STRs (Argus X-12 kit) and 7-XSTRs (Forenseq DNA Signature prep) from analysis of real kinship casesDr. Mayra Elizabeth Garcia AcevesMexico
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0315:4516:45Screen 3P-17415:5115:57CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EXPANDED MARKER SETS IN COMPLEX KINSHIP ANALYSISMs. Lucinda DavenportUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0315:4516:45Screen 3P-17515:5716:03Exploring different software options for likelihood ratio calculations in paternity cases with low template DNA.Mrs. Alessia RiemItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0315:4516:45Screen 3P-17616:0316:09Extracting the value of evidence from a two person Y chromosome mixture by a quantitative computational approachProf. Vincenzo Lorenzo PascaliItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0315:4516:45Screen 3P-17716:0916:15Instant LR Calculations of Y-STR Matches with the Discrete Laplace MethodDr. Helle Smidt MogensenDenmark
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0315:4516:45Screen 3P-17816:1516:21Probabilities of finding trace profile donors and their paternal relatives in Y-STR reference databasesMrs. Tóra Oluffa Stenberg OlsenDenmark
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0315:4516:45Screen 3P-17916:2116:27The Unexpected Contradictory Effects of Co-ancestry Coefficient on the Weight of Genetic EvidenceMrs. Camila CostaPortugal
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0315:4516:45Screen 3P-18016:2716:33MitoMetrics: Characterisation of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in hair shafts and its incorporation on likelihood ratio calculationsDr. Vania PereiraDenmark
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0415:4516:45Screen 4P-18315:5115:57The ICRC's Forensic Genetic Centre: Operational Setup for DNA Application in Missing Person Identification in South CaucasusSejla IdrizbegovicGeorgia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0415:4516:45Screen 4P-18415:5716:03Burial practices in Southern Italy and DNA analysis: state of the art and future perspectivesDr. Ciro Di NunzioItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0415:4516:45Screen 4P-18516:0316:09WHEN SCIENCE FACES THE LEGISLATIVE LABIRITNH: AN ITALIAN CASE REPORTDr. Aldo Di NunzioItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0415:4516:45Screen 4P-18616:0916:15Navigating the DNA Database Landscape in India: Development, Implications for Privacy, Justice, and Ethical ConsiderationsMs. Kanika GuptaIndia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0415:4516:45Screen 4P-18716:1516:21Measures to Mitigate Genetic Privacy Risk and Support of Defensible Hypothesis Testing by Forensic Genetic Genealogy in Publicly Accessible Judicial Proceedings Prof. Bruce BudowleUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0415:4516:45Screen 4P-18816:2116:27Ongoing research to assess the recovery of nuclear DNA from seminal fluid applied to mock human sexual assault victims exposed to high-intensity, low duration firesMrs. Brittania BintzUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0415:4516:45Screen 4P-18916:2716:33Forensic DNA examination : Indian PerspectiveDr. Pankaj ShrivastavaIndia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0515:4516:45Screen 5P-19115:4515:51EXPLORING GENETIC GENEALOGY IN FORENSIC SCIENCE: A PERSPECTIVE FROM AOTEAROA NEW ZEALANDDr. Sallyann HarbisonNew Zealand
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0515:4516:45Screen 5P-19215:5115:57Some Like It Hot – Feasibility studies on the collection of evidence and DNA analysis of fire accelerants and burned objects at crime scenesDr. Galina KulsteinGermany
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0515:4516:45Screen 5P-19315:5716:03Crassify: A Tool for Identifying CrAss-like Phages, the Predominant Human Gut Bacteriophages, as Indicators of Fecal Environmental Contamination
Ms. Linda SmithIreland
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0515:4516:45Screen 5P-19416:0316:09Multiplex Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification combined with Lateral Flow Device for Simultaneous Species and Sex IdentificationMrs. Huyun ZhouChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0515:4516:45Screen 5P-19516:0916:15Identification of cell death biomarkers in early and late postmortem intervalsDr. Francisco Medina PazUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0515:4516:45Screen 5P-19616:1516:21Differentiation of cannabis types using seven tetrahydrocannabinolic acid synthase (THCAS) gene's single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
Josep Suau-CrespíSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0515:4516:45Screen 5P-19716:2116:27Opening the archives of aviation mishaps investigation: Analysis of the detection levels of microRNAs for molecular pathology diagnostics using long-term storage tissue specimens. Dr. Michael SchwererGermany
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0515:4516:45Screen 5P-19816:2716:33Forensic genetic and genomic testing: A review of the law, current and emerging methods their perception and their social and ethical aspectsProf. Bouchaib GazzazMorocco
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0515:4516:45Screen 5P-19916:3316:39Medical laboratory sciences and lectures a veritable tool in forensic science: A comparative review study of rape in Nigeria.Dr. Francis Chukwuedozie NwachukwuNigeria
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0615:4516:45Screen 6P-20015:4515:51Identifying the common characteristics and biological correlates of sudden unexplained death susceptibility genesDr. Shouyu WangChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0615:4516:45Screen 6P-20115:5115:57In vitro splicing assay for exon trapping analysis of rare RyR2 variants Mrs. Larissa KörnerGermany
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0615:4516:45Screen 6P-20215:5716:03The significance of molecular autopsy in Sudden and Unexpected Death of individuals with Epilepsy (SUDEP)Dr. Alessia Bernini Di MicheleItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0615:4516:45Screen 6P-20316:0316:09Analysis of Allelic Alteration in STR and InDel Markers for Human Identification: the challenge of Tumoral Tissue.Dr. Arianna DelicatiItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0615:4516:45Screen 6P-20416:0916:15Shaping the French scientific police genetic units to deal with massive analysesDr. Morgan GrauFrance
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0615:4516:45Screen 6P-20516:1516:21Genome-wide association study of substance use disordersDr. Giulia BiosaItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0615:4516:45Screen 6P-20616:2116:27Unusual phenomena of 12058 individuals DNA profiling using commercial “A” reagent kitPol.Capt. Tayawee RomgaewThailand
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0615:4516:45Screen 6P-20716:2716:33Precision Touch DNA Sampling on Plastic Bag Knots for Improved Profiling of Packer and Holder ContributionsDr. Aleksandra StefanovicSerbia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0715:4516:45Screen 7P-20915:4515:51A landmark African achievement: First-time insight into forensically relevant STR data for the South African population using massively parallel sequencingMs. Donna-lee MartinSouth Africa
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0715:4516:45Screen 7P-21115:5716:03AFRICAN GENETIC AND LINGUISTIC ORIGINS OF PALENQUE, COLOMBIADr. Beatriz MartinezColombia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0715:4516:45Screen 7P-21216:0316:09Genetic Relationship between two Sub-population within the Akan ethnic groups in Ghana.Ms. Sandra Appiah KubiUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0715:4516:45Screen 7P-21416:1516:21Tracing the African maternal origins in Brazilian QuilombosMrs. Masinda NguidiBrazil
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0815:4516:45Screen 8P-21815:4515:51Analysis of autosomal forensic markers in Southern African Bantu speaking populationsProf. Maria D'AmatoSouth Africa
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0815:4516:45Screen 8P-21915:5115:57Sequence-based North-East Italy population data of five autosomal STRs exclusively included in the ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep KitProf. Stefania TurrinaItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0815:4516:45Screen 8P-22015:5716:03Genetic variability of Roma population in Serbia: The Perspective From Autosomal STR MarkersMs. Vanja TanasicSerbia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0815:4516:45Screen 8P-22216:0916:15Insight into sequence variants of autosomal STR loci in Croatian population with ForenSeq® DNA Signature Prep kitMrs. Viktorija SukserCroatia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0815:4516:45Screen 8P-22316:1516:21Genetic Analysis based on 23 autosomal STRs of the Moroccan population Prof. Hicham EL OssmaniMorocco
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0815:4516:45Screen 8P-22416:2116:27Genetic variation of Chanca population using 23 autosomal STR markersProfe. Edgardo Delgado RamosPeru
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0815:4516:45Screen 8P-22516:2716:33Genetic polymorphism and forensic evaluation of high-resolution HLA typing in Han population from Guangdong Province, Southern ChinaDr. Yinming ZhangChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0915:4516:45Screen 9P-22715:4515:51Single nucleotide polymorphism–short tandem repeats analysis system for Japanese peopleDr. Tsukasa OhuchiJapan
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0915:4516:45Screen 9P-22815:5115:57Testing forensic efficacy of most recent available asSTRs and Y-STR markers in Indian populationDr. Shivani DixitIndia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0915:4516:45Screen 9P-22915:5716:03The genetic structure of the Maltese analysed with genome-wide SNP array dataDr. Joanna VellaMalta
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0915:4516:45Screen 9P-23016:0316:09Analysis of NGS-based forensic markers in a Spanish populationProf. Fernando Gonzalez-CandelasSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0915:4516:45Screen 9P-23116:0916:15Evaluation of STR Markers allele frequency distributions in Czech population utilizing NGS Technology with Verogen MainstAY SE KitMr. Vlastimil StenzlCzech Republic
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0915:4516:45Screen 9P-23216:1516:21Genetic relationships of semi-feral sub-populations of Ecuadorian highland creole horse “Paramero” (Caballo Paramero Ecuatoriano)Prof. Germán BurgosEcuador
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0915:4516:45Screen 9P-23316:2116:27STRAF 2: An improved version of the STR population data
analysis software.
Dr. Alexandre GouyFrance
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0915:4516:45Screen 9P-23416:2716:33Study of rare allelic versatility in the population of Rajasthan (India) to propose population specific best set of polymorphic STR markers for the forensic purposesDr. Ramkishan KumawatIndia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S0915:4516:45Screen 9P-23516:3316:39A phylogenetic study of Hungarian-speaking Drávaszög (Baranja, Croatia) and Zobor region (Slovakia) populationsMr. Attila TapasztóHungary
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1015:4516:45Screen 10P-23615:4515:51Application and evaluation of the existing DNA methylation-based age prediction models in postmortem autopsy blood samplesDr. Myung Jin ParkSouth Korea
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1015:4516:45Screen 10P-23715:5115:57A multiplex amplification system for methylation age prediction based on droplet digital PCRDr. Mengyang ZhaoChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1015:4516:45Screen 10P-23815:5716:03A novel droplet digital PCR system with five different fluorescent dyes for DNA methylation detection of four CpGsDr. Yuxiang ZhouChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1015:4516:45Screen 10P-23916:0316:09Age estimation based on mitochondrial DNA methylationDr. Anqi ChenChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1015:4516:45Screen 10P-24016:0916:15Forensic age estimation from human blood by combining DNA methylation and microRNA markers using droplet digital PCRMrs. Niu GaoChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1015:4516:45Screen 10P-24116:1516:21A Five-Locus Multiple regression Model for Human Chronological age Estimation from Buccal swabs. A pilot study on DNA Methylation level.Dr. Beatrice MarcanteItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1015:4516:45Screen 10P-24216:2116:27Age prediction of burned human remains: application of a blood age estimation model through DNA methylation pattern analysisDr. Barbara BertoglioItaly
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1015:4516:45Screen 10P-24316:2716:33Estimation of Legal Age by Quantification of DNA MethylationDr. Rodrigo Gonzalez-RomeroSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1115:4516:45Screen 11P-24515:4515:51Strategic Approaches to Address Discrepancies in DNA Methylation Values Across Different Analysis PlatformsMrs. Moon Hyun SoSouth Korea
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1115:4516:45Screen 11P-24615:5115:57Development of DNA-Methylation based age prediction model in blood samples using snapshot methodologyProf. Milica KeckarevicMarkovicSerbia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1115:4516:45Screen 11P-24715:5716:03Epigenetic Age Prediction for Forensic Investigations Ms. Maria FloresUnited States
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1115:4516:45Screen 11P-24816:0316:09Impact of lifestyles and presence of disease on age estimationMr. Adrián Ambroa-CondeSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1115:4516:45Screen 11P-24916:0916:15Age Prediction from Semen Samples via DNA Methylation Analysis and Bisulfite DNA Quality Method Implementation Mrs. Lucie KotkováCzech Republic
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1115:4516:45Screen 11P-25016:1516:21Impact of cancer on methylation-based forensic age estimation in bloodMrs. Charlotte SutterSwitzerland
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1115:4516:45Screen 11P-25116:2116:27Development of a methylation-based age prediction model using Next Generation SequencingMrs. Lara Josephine MagroSwitzerland
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1215:4516:45Screen 12P-25415:4515:51Prediction of Gender and Age of Criminals using Saliva Microbiome AnalysisMrs. A-Jeong JeonSouth Korea
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1215:4516:45Screen 12P-25515:5115:57DNA and proteins united: Molecular age prediction clocks in bonesDr. Jana NaueGermany
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1215:4516:45Screen 12P-25615:5716:03Array-based age prediction from bloodstains deposited for up to two weeksMr. Brando PoggialiDenmark
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1215:4516:45Screen 12P-25716:0316:09Small RNA Sequencing Reveals Age-Associated miRNAs in Human Blood SamplesMs. Yanfang LuChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1215:4516:45Screen 12P-25816:0916:15Transferring MPS-based epigenetic age prediction to SNaPshot – introducing technical protocols and predictive models for bone and cartilage tissues Dr. Tomasz KupiecPoland
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1215:4516:45Screen 12P-25916:1516:21Forensic Age Estimation:transcriptome analysis and modeling in Peripheral Blood Ms. Mengxiao LiaoChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1215:4516:45Screen 12P-26016:2116:27Forensic Age estimation and the potential use of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine Mrs. Olivia HolländerGermany
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1215:4516:45Screen 12P-26116:2716:33Forensic age estimation by epigenetic-based age prediction models from blood and semen samples in the French population.Dr. Mathieu GabutFrance
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1215:4516:45Screen 12P-26216:3316:39The oral microbial community and its potential for age predictionDr. Benyang XiaoChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1315:4516:45Screen 13P-26315:4515:51The utility of the diatom test through metagenomic analysisDr. Hiroaki NakanishiJapan
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1315:4516:45Screen 13P-26415:5115:57Investigation into the bacteria from the skin and touched substrate for personal identificationMrs. Shuangshuang WangChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1315:4516:45Screen 13P-26515:5716:03Emerging technologies for hair examination and analysis: Assessing the profiling capabilities of genetic analysersDr. Alicia HainesAustralia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1315:4516:45Screen 13P-26616:0316:09Genetic diagnosis of plant and fungal evidence using nrDNA ITS2Dr. Pilar MartínezSpain
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1315:4516:45Screen 13P-26716:0916:15Uncovering Novel Plastome Variants in Trafficked Cannabis sativa in Brazil: A Potential Tool for Drug Origin TraceabilityMrs. Aline FelklBrazil
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1315:4516:45Screen 13P-26816:1516:21Optimisation of A Metagenomic Analysis Method - Evaluating Microbiome Variation in Forensically Relevant SamplesMs. Ye Jee RohUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1315:4516:45Screen 13P-26916:2116:27Exploration of the Application Value of Oral and Intestinal Metagenomics in Occupational Prediction: Taking Teachers and Construction Workers as ExamplesMr. Shujie DouChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1315:4516:45Screen 13P-27016:2716:33GENETICS ENHANCING FORENSIC ENTOMOLGYMr. Hussain Al MarzooqiUnited Arab Emirates
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1315:4516:45Screen 13P-27116:3316:39Forensic study of environmental and human skin microbiome differences in college dormitory based on 16S rRNAMrs. Jie ShenChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1415:4516:45Screen 14P-27215:4515:51Performance Comparison of Two RapidHIT™ ID Cartridge Types for Forensic LeadsMr. Hong Han LimSingapore
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1415:4516:45Screen 14P-27315:5115:57Real-time and STR data in one reaction: a means to optimise PCRMrs. Caitlin McDonaldAustralia
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1415:4516:45Screen 14P-27415:5716:03RapidHit ID: RESULTS OF STUDIES USING DIFFERENT KINDS OF SAMPLESDr. Samuel T. G. FerreiraBrazil
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1415:4516:45Screen 14P-27516:0316:09STR genotyping by real-time PCR using QueSTR probesMrs. Sonja ŠkevinBelgium
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1415:4516:45Screen 14P-27616:0916:15Revolutionizing Forensic DNA Analysis: The PowerPlex® 18E System Dr. Andy HopwoodUnited Kingdom
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1415:4516:45Screen 14P-27816:2116:27The Quick TargSeq 1.0 integrated system for rapid DNA analysis with sample-in–answer-out capabilityMr. Yong-jie LiChina
11 Sept.Poster Session 2.S1415:4516:45Screen 14P-27916:2716:33A “sample-in-answer-out” system for integrated and automated short tandem repeat genotypingMr. Zhuang BinChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-28110:2010:26Can human DNA aid in the investigation of animal abuse?Ms. Heidi MonkmanAustralia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-28210:2610:32Bidirectional Transfer of DNA in Controlled Experimental Settings: Providing New Insights into Transfer EventsDr. Mariya GorayAustralia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-28310:3210:38Illicit Drug Distribution: Evaluation of DNA Transfer between Ziplock Bags and CapsulesMrs. Madison NolanAustralia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-28410:3810:44Relevant sampling areas on firearms for the reconstruction of shooting scenario involving two individualsMrs. Martina OnofriItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-28510:4410:50When secondary DNA transfer is crucial to solving the caseDr. Simona SeveriniItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-28610:5010:56Investigating Touch DNA Success Rates in Vehicle Sites for Hit-and-Run CaseworkMr. Nashmi AidarousUnited Arab Emirates
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-28710:5611:02Transfer of DNA during a slap and a punch of a faceDr. Roland van OorschotAustralia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-28811:0211:08Elucidating the dynamics of trace DNA evidence in pickpocket scenariosDr. Fabio OldoniUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-28911:0811:14DNA TRANSFER IN THE WASHING MACHINE. ANALYSIS WITH DIFFERENT DETERGENTS.Dr. Manuel Lozano GarcíaSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-29011:1411:20Investigation into the Effects of Gunshot Residue on STR PCR Inhibition in DNA Testing from FirearmsDr. Christian WestringUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0110:2011:30Screen 1P-29111:2011:26Development, characterization and qualification of a cellular target to track biological trace transfers for forensic purposesMr. Stéphane SauvagèreFrance
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0210:2011:30Screen 2P-29310:2610:32Shedding more Light on SheddersProf. Adrian LinacreAustralia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0210:2011:30Screen 2P-29410:3210:38It’s my car but the drugs are not mine! Mr. Yong Sheng LeeSingapore
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0210:2011:30Screen 2P-29510:3810:44Interpretation and education: (sub) source and activity issues, similar challenges? Dr. Tacha HicksSwitzerland
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0210:2011:30Screen 2P-29610:4410:50It's all because of a kiss: transfer and persistence of the kisser’s DNA in the kissed mouthDr. Federica AlessandriniItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0210:2011:30Screen 2P-29710:5010:56ENFSI ReAct project: Results of transfer experiments performed by 23 laboratoriesProf. Peter GillNorway
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0210:2011:30Screen 2P-29810:5611:02Single-cell analysis in forensic science - the SCAnDi projectDr. Iain MacaulayUnited Kingdom
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0210:2011:30Screen 2P-29911:0211:08Retrospective inference of human behavior using environmental DNA analysis techniquesMs. Yukiko Dozen Japan
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0210:2011:30Screen 2P-30011:0811:14Evaluating the effects of environmental insults on presumptive and confirmatory tests and DNA recovery from blood samplesDr. Bushra IdrisUnited Arab Emirates
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0210:2011:30Screen 2P-30111:1411:20Human Factors Recommendations for the Interpretation and Expression of DNA ResultsDr. Niki Osborne
Dr. Bas Kokshoorn
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0210:2011:30Screen 2P-30211:2011:26Comparison of single-cell whole genome amplification and direct low volume PCR for detecting STR and mtDNA HVⅠand II regionShujin LiChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0310:2011:30Screen 3P-30310:2010:26Alternative Mitogenome PCR Enrichment Methods for Reference-Type Samples Mrs. Jennifer Daniels-higginbothamUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0310:2011:30Screen 3P-30410:2610:32Disclosing the maternal genetic background of Andean Mestizos from EcuadorMrs Alejandra Garzón-SalazarPortugal
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0310:2011:30Screen 3P-30510:3210:38mitoTree: Advancing mtDNA research through updated Phylogeny and Haplogroup GuidelinesDr. Nicole HuberAustria
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0310:2011:30Screen 3P-30610:3810:44Mitochondrial DNA sequencing for forensic human identification on a sample of the Saudi Arabian PopulationDr. Dinah AloraerSaudi Arabia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0310:2011:30Screen 3P-30710:4410:50Direct Evidence about Founding Populations: Mitogenomes from the first residents of Porto Alegre, Southern BrazilDr. Camila Pivetta CavalheiroBrazil
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0310:2011:30Screen 3P-30810:5010:56Analysis of the Mitochondrial and Y Chromosomal DNA Variation in HispaniolaMs. Elise AndersonUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0310:2011:30Screen 3P-30910:5611:02Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy patterns in hair shaft samples: Insights from Whole Mitogenome Sequencing using the Precision ID mtDNA Whole Genome PanelMrs. Floor ClaessensDenmark
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0310:2011:30Screen 3P-31011:0211:08Expanding population data for mtDNA haplogroups in the Republic of North Macedonia by using mtDNA set of SNPs in SNP microarray analysisProf. Renata JankovaRepublic of North Macedonia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0310:2011:30Screen 3P-31111:0811:14Mitochondrial DNA Genome polymorphism analysis in the Mexican-Mestizo Population from Mexico City Using Next-Generation Sequencing.Dr. Mariano Guardado EstradaMexico
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0310:2011:30Screen 3P-31211:1411:20A comprehensive review of HVS‐I mitochondrial DNA variation of 19 Iranian populationsMs Motahareh ALAAMJADIHungary
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0410:2011:30Screen 4P-31410:2010:26Comparison of Fetal DNA Extraction Techniques for Paternity and Fetal Sex Determination: Implications for Forensic Genetics.Dr. Santiago Cadena-UllauriEcuador
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0410:2011:30Screen 4P-31510:2610:32Signature AIMs - a new kind of forensic ancestry markerDr. Christopher PhillipsSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0410:2011:30Screen 4P-31610:3210:38Estimating biogeographic ancestry – being certain of uncertaintyMr. Lukas HoffmannGermany
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0410:2011:30Screen 4P-31710:3810:44Genetic ancestry of a Montubios rural population from Ecuador unveils East Asian contribution.Engineer Katherin Barrionuevo-PérezEcuador
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0410:2011:30Screen 4P-31810:4410:50Exploring the efficacy of distant-degree Kinship testing using nanopore sequencing with portable devicesMrs. Jiarong ZhangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0410:2011:30Screen 4P-31910:5010:56Evaluating the effect of marker panel sizes on estimation of bio-geographical co-ancestry proportions in admixed individualsMaría de la PuenteSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0410:2011:30Screen 4P-32010:5611:02Validation of the Ion AmpliSeq™ MH-74 Plex Microhaplotype Research Panel as a supplementary assay for kinship testingMrs. Carmen Tomas MasDenmark
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0410:2011:30Screen 4P-32111:0211:08Massive Parallel Sequencing of Maternal Lineages: mtDNA Variations and Haplogroups in the United Arab Emirates Mother-Child PairsDr. Amna AlfalasiUnited Arab Emirates
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0410:2011:30Screen 4P-32211:0811:14Familial search as a complementary tool for identification of unknown offender - case reportMrs. Ljubica Trajkovska PavlovskaRepublic of North Macedonia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0510:2011:30Screen 5P-32510:2010:26Genome-wide DNA methylome profiling to identify between identical twins for forensic useMs. Mun Jeong ChoSouth Korea
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0510:2011:30Screen 5P-32610:2610:32Analysis of paternity cases with a single exclusion in a genetic marker using precision ID Globalfiler™ NGS STR Panel v2Dr. Nair GouveiaPortugal
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0510:2011:30Screen 5P-32710:3210:38Innovating Forensic Application: Digital Microfluidic Integration for Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity TestingMr. Ning WangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0510:2011:30Screen 5P-32810:3810:44Constructing a microbial model for differentiating monozygotic twins using the combination of feature selection and likelihood ratio when there are two suspectsDr. Guanju MaChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0510:2011:30Screen 5P-32910:4410:50STR allele dropout and flanking SNP analysis with The Precision ID GlobalFilerTM NGS STR Panel v2 kit in monozygotic twinsDr. Cintia FridmanBrazil
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0510:2011:30Screen 5P-33010:5010:56A strategy for screening high-quality variants from low-depth whole genome sequencing data by bloodstains to discriminate monozygotic twinsMr. Enlin WuChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0510:2011:30Screen 5P-33110:5611:02Distinguishing monozygotic twins from trace DNA by using whole genome amplification strategiesProf. Xiling LiuChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0510:2011:30Screen 5P-33211:0211:08Improved identification of victims from the Spanish Civil War with NGS technologyMrs. Sandra Carbó-RamírezSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0510:2011:30Screen 5P-33311:0811:14Identification of monozygotic twins by microbial polymorphismDr. Zhirui ZhangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0510:2011:30Screen 5P-33411:1411:20Exploration of mitochondrial genome sequencing: insights from ATOPlex Kit on pedigrees and twinsDr. Jingyi YangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0610:2011:30Screen 6P-33610:2010:26Problematic practices and potential policy options for investigative genetic genealogy: results of a modified policy Delphi studyProf. Christi GuerriniUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0610:2011:30Screen 6P-33710:2610:32Overcoming Budget Constraints to Obtain Sustainable Funding for Forensic Genetic GenealogyDr. David MittelmanUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0610:2011:30Screen 6P-33810:3210:38Unraveling Forensic Genetic Genealogy: Advances and Challenges in the EU ContextMr. Emil KarausCzech Republic
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0610:2011:30Screen 6P-33910:3810:44On the use of Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy in criminal cases in SwedenDr. Ricky AnsellSweden
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0610:2011:30Screen 6P-34010:4410:50Combining Targeted SNP Sequencing and Local Kinship Analysis for the Identification of Human RemainsDr. Laurence DevesseSwitzerland
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0610:2011:30Screen 6P-34110:5010:56Microarray is not for forensics. We disagree!Maarja SadamEstonia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0610:2011:30Screen 6P-34210:5611:02Comparisons of four common approaches for kinship inference in FIGGMrs. Yu ZangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0610:2011:30Screen 6P-34311:0211:08Performance comparison between a novel pentameric STR panel and well-established STR kits for kinship and mixture resolutionAmaia Cabrejas-OlallaSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0610:2011:30Screen 6P-34411:0811:14Metabolomics, but not proteomics, efficiently discriminate monozygotic twins in peripheral bloodDr. Jun YaoChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0610:2011:30Screen 6P-34511:1411:20An innovative genetic genealogy approach to the identification of three victims of World War I and World War II: The new Forenseq Kintelligence kitDr. Vincent ZvenigoroskyFrance
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-34710:2010:26A retrospective study of mRNA analyses in casework after the first year of implementation.Mrs. Mariam Mjærum BouzgaNorway
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-34810:2610:32Experiences of the use of combined DNA and mRNA analysis in criminal casesDr. Siri Aili FagerholmSweden
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-34910:3210:38A decade of mRNA body fluid and organ typing in casework: outcomes of Dutch court decisionsProf. Titia SijenNetherlands
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-35010:3810:44A comparative study of mRNA profiling in normal and inflammatory vaginal secretionsMr. Hemiao ZhaoChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-35110:4410:50Differentiation of five forensically relevant body fluids using a small set of miRNA markersProf. Diana HallSwitzerland
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-35210:5010:56Validation of novel mRNA semen-specific markers for forensic fluid identificationDr. Iva GomesPortugal
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-35310:5611:02The use of rectal mucosa mRNA markers in forensic caseworkDr. Margreet van den BergeNetherlands
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-35411:0211:08Comprehensive Body Fluid Identification and Contributor Assignment by integrating Targeted Sequencing of mRNA and coding region SNPMr. Maximilian NeisGermany
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-35511:0811:14New miRNA markers to distinguish saliva from vaginal secretion in body fluid source identificationMs. Xunhong YangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-35611:1411:20Evaluation of DNA Extraction Efficiency Method for Forensic Application on Trace Levels and Degraded Body Fluid Substrate StainsDr. Abubakar Muhammad AminuNigeria
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0710:2011:30Screen 7P-35711:2011:26Inference of the Saliva Donor in Body Fluid Mixtures by cSNP AnalysisDr. Jan EuteneuerGermany
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0810:2011:30Screen 8P-35810:2010:26DNA methylation direct sequencing in body fluid identificationMrs. Yuanyuan XiaoChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0810:2011:30Screen 8P-35910:2610:32The potential application of Enzyme conversion of DNA methylation in body fluid identificationMrs. Manrui LiChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0810:2011:30Screen 8P-36010:3210:38Saliva and Semen Identification by DNA Methylation Analysis Using Droplet Digital PCRMs. So Eun LeeSouth Korea
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0810:2011:30Screen 8P-36210:4410:50Microbial profiling in postmortem organ tissues: insights from 2bRAD-M analysis in cases of sudden death and hanging eventsDr. Xiumei ZhuChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0810:2011:30Screen 8P-36310:5010:56Exploring the Forensic Potential of Oral and Nasal Microbiota for Estimating Post-Mortem Intervals Dr. Ji ChenChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0810:2011:30Screen 8P-36410:5611:02Assessing full-length and sub-regional 16S rRNA gene sequencing for skin and saliva microbiome profiling in forensic analysisDr. Han ZhangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0810:2011:30Screen 8P-36511:0211:08Environmental microbiotas from substrate might interfere microbiome-based identification of forensically relevant body fluids: a pilot studyDr. Jun ZhangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0810:2011:30Screen 8P-36611:0811:14tsRNAs — a novel small RNA molecule with potential in forensic body fluid source identificationMs. Jiaru LiChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0810:2011:30Screen 8P-36811:2011:26Development of a multiplex system for blood and menstrual blood identification based on the microbial markersMrs. Tingting YangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0910:2011:30Screen 9P-36910:2010:26What do forensic geneticists ignore? Two alternative, non-toxic methods for FFPE tissue deparaffinizationDr. Giulia SoldatiItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0910:2011:30Screen 9P-37010:2610:32Evaluation of three sampling methods for the recovery of touch DNA from metal itemsMiss Sally StansbieUnited Kingdom
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0910:2011:30Screen 9P-37110:3210:38Comparison of DNA Extraction Methods for Telogen Hair SamplesMs. Cathrine Bie PetersenDenmark
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0910:2011:30Screen 9P-37210:3810:44DNA Extraction from One Step Urine Drug Screen Test for STR TypingDr. Mónika NogelHungary
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0910:2011:30Screen 9P-37310:4410:50Degradation of DNA Extracts Stored Under Different Conditions: What We Know and What Is New Prof. Sarah GinoItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0910:2011:30Screen 9P-37410:5010:56From dactyloscopy to the Minimum Surface Requirement (MSR). A preliminary study to assess DNA genotyping from fingermarks. Dr. Michele Di NunzioSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0910:2011:30Screen 9P-37510:5611:02Effects of Fingerprint Enhancement Techniques on Forensic DNA RecoveryDr. Xiaoyang LiSingapore
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0910:2011:30Screen 9P-37611:0211:08Unveiling MSR: The Genesis of a Device for the Assessment of Fingermarks and their Genetic IdentificationMs. Clara Camprubi-AumatellSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0910:2011:30Screen 9P-37711:0811:14Microhaplotypes: from exploration to application in forensic genetics Prof. Chiara TurchiItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S0910:2011:30Screen 9P-37811:1411:20Development and Validation of the 9-dye Fluorenscent Y chromosome and autosomal Multiplex STR Amplification SystemProf. Xue BaiChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1010:2011:30Screen 10P-38010:2010:26Development and validation of a new Investigator Quantiplex Pro variant for high sensitivity forensic workflow applicationsMrs. Amy LibertyUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1010:2011:30Screen 10P-38110:2610:32A 25 Loci Mini-STR System to Facilitate Analysis of Degraded DNAProf. SHENG LIChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1010:2011:30Screen 10P-38210:3210:38A Comprehensive Evaluation of Commercial Small-Amplicon Mitogenome Enrichment Kits for Massively Parallel Sequencing Mrs. Courtney CavagninoUnited States
Dr. Anna BarbaroSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1010:2011:30Screen 10P-38510:5010:56Preparations for shotgun sequencing analyses in forensic geneticsDr. Marie-Louise KampmannDenmark
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1010:2011:30Screen 10P-38610:5611:02 Enhancing Trace DNA Recovery in Forensic Casework Samples, Evaluation of Amplicon RxTM Post-PCR Clean-up Kit on GlobalFiler™ PCR ProductsMrs. Naeema Al JanahiUnited Arab Emirates
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1010:2011:30Screen 10P-38711:0211:08STR isoalleles detection in Capillary ElectrophoresisDr. Eugenia CarnevaliItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1010:2011:30Screen 10P-38811:0811:14A highly integrated next-generation sequencing detection method for forensic DNA genetic markers and RNA molecular markersMr. Jie ZhaoChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1110:2011:30Screen 11P-39110:2010:26MVCall: An automatic nanopore sequencing analysis pipeline for variation and heterogeneity identification of mitogenomeProf. Yiping HouChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1110:2011:30Screen 11P-39210:2610:32Influence of fragment lengths in DNA mixtures for mitochondrial sequence analysisMrs. Christina AmoryAustria
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1110:2011:30Screen 11P-39310:3210:38An Optimised MPSplex QIAseq Workflow for Highly Degraded Post-Mortem Bone Samples.Mrs. Lisa VangeelNetherlands
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1110:2011:30Screen 11P-39410:3810:44Forensic potential of low-frequency, single-base substitutions in human mitochondrial genomeDr. Marina KorolijaCroatia
11 Sept.Poster Session 1.S1110:1511:45Screen 11P-12111:1511:21Mixture Deconvolution of Kintelligence Profiles and Kinship Inference AssessmentMrs. Erin GordenUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1110:2011:30Screen 11P-39610:5010:56Comparison of MPS methodologies for Individual identification based in STRs, mitochondrial DNA and SNPs in ancient DNA samplesMr. Roger AngladaSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1110:2011:30Screen 11P-39710:5611:02An NGS-based Typing Panel of Human Multi-source Genetic MarkersDr. Hui SunChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1110:2011:30Screen 11P-39811:0211:08A survey of human microhaplotype variation and panel design with MicroHapDBDr. Daniel StandageUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1110:2011:30Screen 11P-40011:1411:20Detection of mitochondrial genome in degraded and inhibitor samples with ForenSeq mtDNA Whole Genome KitProf. Fei GuoChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1210:2011:30Screen 12P-40210:2010:26MPS Library preparation optimization and quality control with QIAxcel Connect System for low template DNA samplesMrs. Chiara FantinatoNorway
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1210:2011:30Screen 12P-40310:2610:32Investigation into the enhancement of unique molecular identifiers applied in the MH-MPS panel for genotyping unbalanced mixed DNADr. Qiang ZhuChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1210:2011:30Screen 12P-40410:3210:38Development of an automated workflow for library preparation of ForenSeq assaysMr. Mario SchererGermany
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1210:2011:30Screen 12P-40510:3810:44Assessing the suitability of a commercial microhaplotypes assay for casework useDr. Rebecca JustUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1210:2011:30Screen 12P-40610:4410:50Evaluation of the effectiveness of microhaplotypes in analyzing degraded DNA specimensDr. Fabiano GentileItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1210:2011:30Screen 12P-40710:5010:56Advantages of using MPS in routine cases in forensics: more than just increased discriminatory power.Mrs. Alicia Moré AgudoSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1210:2011:30Screen 12P-40810:5611:02Inter-platform evaluation of a large-scale tri-allelic SNP panel for forensic identification: the MPSplex panelJ Ruiz-RamírezSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1210:2011:30Screen 12P-40911:0211:08Forensic validation of the MPS Forenseq MainstAY assayDr. Ana Mosquera MiguelSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1210:2011:30Screen 12P-41011:0811:14The development and validation of a novel forensic STR panel (155 STRs) on massively parallel sequencing platformsDr. Mengyang ZhaoChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1210:2011:30Screen 12P-41111:1411:20Cas9-guided target nanopore sequencing and profiling of forensic short tandem repeatsMrs. Tingting YangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1310:2011:30Screen 13P-41310:2010:26Development and Validation of A MPS-based 512-plex SNP Panel for Degradative Forensic SamplesMr. Linyu ShiChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1310:2011:30Screen 13P-41410:2610:32A massively parallel sequencing based forensic DNA analysis system: Four-in-One solutionProf. Xiaosen GuoChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1310:2011:30Screen 13P-41510:3210:38Massive sequencing in molecular autopsy. Gene panel vs whole exome sequencingMaría BrionSpain
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1310:2011:30Screen 13P-41610:3810:44Systemic approach: A review of forensic genetic programs working on Missing Person Identification in humanitarian contexts. Dr. Yarimar Cristina Ruiz OrozcoVenezuela
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1310:2011:30Screen 13P-41710:4410:50Identification and characterization of Multi-Indels from whole genome dataDr. Weibo LiangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1310:2011:30Screen 13P-41810:5010:56Progress in Standardization of Forensic Next Generation Sequencing in ChinaMr. Ke-Lai KangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1310:2011:30Screen 13P-41910:5611:02Developmental Validation of the IDseek® OmniSTR™ Global autosomal STR profiling kitMr. Erik Attendee919Netherlands
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1310:2011:30Screen 13P-42111:0811:14Limitations of low-depth WGS data in forensic applicationsDr. Jinfeng XuanChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1310:2011:30Screen 13P-42211:1411:20The exploration of the AMI(Acute Myocardial Infarction) related piRNA in plasma exosomes based on high-throughput sequencingMrs. Jia ZhangChina
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1410:2011:30Screen 14P-42410:2010:26Assessing the Utility of STR Profiling for Combating COVID-19 Insurance Fraud Involving Lateral Flow Test Kits in ThailandDr. Achirapa BandhayaThailand
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1410:2011:30Screen 14P-42510:2610:32Assessing the impact of inhibitors on the viability of biological samples for forensic DNA analysis: A pilot studyMrs. Adeyanju MosuroUnited Kingdom
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1410:2011:30Screen 14P-42610:3210:38Investigating cardiac genetic background in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)Dr. Francesca CazzatoItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1410:2011:30Screen 14P-42710:3810:44Alleged genetic-driven criminal impulses and free will: an underaddressed forensic research frontierProf. Simone GrassiItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1410:2011:30Screen 14P-42810:4410:50The effect of luminol on blood presumptive testing and DNA analysesMrs. Marina NommEstonia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1410:2011:30Screen 14P-42910:5010:56Species-specific (human, dog and cat) identification and quantification using droplet digital PCR in forensic casesDr. Seong Yeon YooSouth Korea
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1410:2011:30Screen 14P-43010:5611:02Viral Detection from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue in Autopsy Cases of Viral PneumoniaMr. Kazuho MaedaJapan
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1410:2011:30Screen 14P-43111:0211:08Expanding the capacity of conventional fragment analysis with virtual channelsDr. Vladimir OrekhovFinland
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1410:2011:30Screen 14P-43211:0811:14EFFECT OF CHELATING AGENTS ON THE QUALITY OF DNA PROFILING: A FORENSIC APPROACHMr. Soupayan BanerjeeIndia
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1410:2011:30Screen 14P-43311:1411:20Strategies of Solving Unbalanced DNA Mixtures by DIP-STR TechnologyMrs. Jing ChenChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0110:3011:30Screen 1P-43510:3010:36Implementation of an AI system for automated sperm identificationDr. Arvid Hedén GynnåSweden
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0110:3011:30Screen 1P-43610:3610:42Validation of sperm detection scanning system by MetasystemsMrs. Silja ErgEstonia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0110:3011:30Screen 1P-43710:4210:48Establishment and validation of automated microscopic sperm detection using Deep Neural Network-based analysis software in a forensic routine laboratoryDr. Jacqueline KummeGermany
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0110:3011:30Screen 1P-43810:4810:54Can useable male DNA profiles be obtained from seminal fractions where no spermatozoa have been visualised after differential lysis and microscope slide preparation?Dr. Tim ClaytonUnited Kingdom
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0110:3011:30Screen 1P-43910:5411:00Automation and LIMS development for the PowerSeq CRM mtDNA AssayDr. Jodi IrwinUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0110:3011:30Screen 1P-44211:0011:06Interpreting Microhaplotype DataDr. Brian YoungUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0110:3011:30Screen 1P-44111:0611:12Enhanced interpretation of complex DNA mixtures using multiple highly polymorphic MPS-based microhaplotype panelsMs. Mengyu TanChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0110:3011:30Screen 1P-44011:1211:18Interpretation strategies for microhaplotype DNA profiles generated by next-generation sequencingMs. Yuting WangChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0210:3011:30Screen 2P-44410:0010:36A Software Package for Designing and Interpreting Forensic DNA Validation StudiesDr. Sarah RimanUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0210:3011:30Screen 2P-44510:3610:42A mixture simulation method based on single source DNA profilesDr. Tingyun HouChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0210:3011:30Screen 2P-44610:4210:48The impact of the drop-out in the evaluation of LR with the continuous approachDr. Alessandra CagliàItaly
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0210:3011:30Screen 2P-44710:4810:54An overlooked treasure; the relationship between the back stutter rate and the double back stutter rateDr. Minoru AsogawaJapan
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0210:3011:30Screen 2P-44810:5411:00DNA mixture interpretation: A guiding principle to identify the most supported propositionsMr. Vincent van MarionNetherlands
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0210:3011:30Screen 2P-44911:0011:06An empirical comparison of qualitative vs quantitative models in the statistical evaluation of forensic genetic evidenceSpain
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0210:3011:30Screen 2P-45011:0611:12Massively parallel sequencing of trace DNA – better than CE?Mrs. Lisa DierigGermany
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0210:3011:30Screen 2P-45111:1211:18MPS vs CE STR data, similarities and differences and the impact on LR calculations using probabilistic genotyping systemsDr. Kristiaan J. van der GaagNetherlands
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0310:3011:30Screen 3P-45310:3010:36The Growing Impact of Rapid DNA Testing on Disaster Victim IdentificationDr. Richard SeldenUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0310:3011:30Screen 3P-45410:3610:42Recommendations for identifying disaster victims from the “Mass Grave Project”: forensic genetics issues Dr. Giulia SguazziItaly
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0310:3011:30Screen 3P-45510:4210:48From Death to Discovery: Forensic Biology at Human Decomposition FacilitiesDr. Sheree HughesUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0310:3011:30Screen 3P-45610:4810:54DNA Preservation in highly degraded skeletal remains from the Vietnam assessed by various extraction methods, quantitative PCR, and MPS testing with nuclear SNP panelsMs. Phuong PhamVietnam
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0310:3011:30Screen 3P-155010:5411:00You Can Only Test One – A Study of over 11,000 NGS Reactions for Skeletal MaterialsDr. Suni EdsonUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0310:3011:30Screen 3P-45911:0611:12Preliminary results of classic Sanger and Next Generation Sequencing mitotypes comparison of Second World War victims' skeletal remainsMr. Marcel ObalSlovenia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0310:3011:30Screen 3P-46011:1211:18DNA analysis in human remains identification – Croatian (Hi)StoryDr. Ivana FuračCroatia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0410:3011:30Screen 4P-46210:3010:36Development of a Nicking Endonuclease Dependent Amplification Method and Its Use in STR Analysis of Trace DNAProf. Wanli BiChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0410:3011:30Screen 4P-46310:3610:42Determining the Best Strategy in Processing Low Level DNA Samples from Fired Cartridge Cases (FCCs) and Firearms Given Quantifiable Metrics of Recoverable DNA Mrs. Leah NangeroniUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0410:3011:30Screen 4P-46410:4210:48Evaluation of a new collection technique for touch DNA: the DNA-BusterDr. Alina SenstSwitzerland
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0410:3011:30Screen 4P-46510:4810:54Effect of adhesive removal solvents on touch DNAMrs. Zoe WoodUnited Kingdom
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0410:3011:30Screen 4P-46610:5411:00Evaluation of a novel tapelift-applicator to elevate DNA recovery by tapeliftingDr. Georgina MeakinAustralia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0410:3011:30Screen 4P-46711:0011:06Evaluation of recovery of DNA from blood, saliva and touch samples deposited of different states of acetaminophenMs. Alexandria BertramAustralia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0410:3011:30Screen 4P-46811:0611:12Optimizing the Recovery of DNA from Exhaled Breath Devices for Human IdentificationMs. Kayli CarrilloUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0410:3011:30Screen 4P-46911:1211:18Comparing Extraction and Direct Amplification Methods for Enhanced Touch DNA Profiling Dr. Salem K AlketbiUnited Arab Emirates
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0510:3011:30Screen 5P-47110:3010:36Degradation of nuclear DNA in different types of bloodstain depositions along with increasing time frames of ultraviolet light (UV) exposition. Initial results from an experimental setting using highly- UV-reflecting military garment with a desert-type camouflage pattern.Saskia FrankenGermany
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0510:3011:30Screen 5P-47210:3610:42Comparation of Lyophilized and Normal DNATyperTM 30 6-dye PCR Amplification KitMr. Zhe zhangChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0510:3011:30Screen 5P-47310:4210:48Internal Validation of the Investigator 26Plex QS Amplification Kit: a high-throughput multiplex assay for reference and low copy number DNA samplesMs. Paula CardosoPortugal
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0510:3011:30Screen 5P-47410:4810:54Straight Outta the Gel: direct PCR from agarose and polyacrylamide gelsDr. Viktor PoórHungary
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0510:3011:30Screen 5P-47510:5411:00Enhancing Forensic DNA Analysis Through the Utilization of HiMedia’s Insta NX® Mag32 Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor with HiPurA® Multi Sample Pre- filled Plates for Insta NX® Mag32Dr. Arunagiri SubramanianIndia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0510:3011:30Screen 5P-47611:0011:06A High Performance PCR Assay System Capable Of Cleaning Carry-Over ContaminationProf. Dongke FuChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0510:3011:30Screen 5P-47711:0611:12The use of non-thermal plasma for DNA decontamination in forensic settingsMs. Katie HussainUnited Kingdom
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0510:3011:30Screen 5P-47811:1211:18Detection of DNA-containing material in vehicles using fluorescent in situ detectionMrs. Katelyn HareAustralia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0510:3011:30Screen 5P-47911:1811:24Comparison of three DNA quantification methods for forensic blood samplesCarla Vinas-GeliSpain
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0610:3011:30Screen 6P-48010:3010:36Long-term storage of blood and saliva on five different forensic swab types over 56 monthsMrs. Ilona SeiberleSwitzerland
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0610:3011:30Screen 6P-48110:3610:42Comparative study for the effect of different vectors and pretreatment methods on DNA typing efficiencyDr. Qiannan XuChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0610:3011:30Screen 6P-48210:4210:48Assessment of Diamond™ Nucleic Acid Dye as predictive method for targeting hair follicles suitable for DNA profiling in caseworkDr. Leire Palencia-MadridSpain
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0610:3011:30Screen 6P-48310:4810:54Concurrent detection of mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA in hair shaft samples using an using an all-in-one multiplex systemProf. Riga WuChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0610:3011:30Screen 6P-48410:5411:00NOVEL METHOD TO RELIABLY RECOVER NUCLEAR DNA FROM HUMAN HAIR SHAFT Dr. Elaine LewisUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0610:3011:30Screen 6P-48511:0011:06Reproducible Artificial DNA Degradation for Forensic Purposes by UV-lightMrs. Lena EwersAustria
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0610:3011:30Screen 6P-48611:0611:12A simple DNA extraction method to selectively purify high molecular weight and low molecular weight DNAMr. Todd BilleUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0610:3011:30Screen 6P-48711:1211:18DNA degradation potential on Body Fluid stains under various conditions: A preliminary approachDr. Ankit SrivastavaIndia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0710:3011:30Screen 7P-48910:3010:36Deletion events at DYS448 locus: Exploring rearrangement patterns in the AZFc region of the Y chromosomeMr. Rodrigo Flores EspinozaBrazil
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0710:3011:30Screen 7P-49010:3610:42Investigation of a Y-chromosome deletion affecting amelogenin-based sex typing in forensics using CE and MPS methodsDr. Magdalena MarcińskaPoland
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0710:3011:30Screen 7P-49110:4210:48Improving forensic Y-chromosome DNA analysis on multiple levelsMr. Dion ZandstraNetherlands
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0710:3011:30Screen 7P-49210:4810:54Seeking Efficiency: Developmental Validation of the One-Tube Reaction IDseek® mYSTR Y-Chromosomal STR Profiling Kit Mrs. Lindsay KotcheyUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0710:3011:30Screen 7P-49310:5411:00A practical proposal for interpreting X-STR profiles from the Forenseq DNA Signature Prep (MPS kit) based on ArgusX-12 population databasesPhD Iran Cortés-TrujilloMexico
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0710:3011:30Screen 7P-49411:0011:06Is it really necessary to include the Y-STRs in autosomal STR multiplex kits to help determine the number of mixture contributors?Prof. Francesco AusaniaItaly
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0710:3011:30Screen 7P-49511:0611:12Developmental validation of multiplexes featured by multicopy and rapidly-mutating Y-STRsDr. Lei ShangChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0710:3011:30Screen 7P-49611:1211:18Forensic Genetic Identification of Human Remains – A quantitative workflow approach adapted for DNA profiling and haplotyping.Mrs. Mounia - Widad BessekriAlgeria
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0710:3011:30Screen 7P-49711:1811:24The Quick TargSeq 1.0 integrated system for rapid forensic
DNA analysis: sample collection to DNA profile
Dr. Jun-ping HanChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0810:3011:30Screen 8P-49810:3010:36Visual identification for species and sex derived from bloodstain based on phosphate-mediated isothermal amplification colorimetric systemMs. Wenjing HuChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0810:3011:30Screen 8P-49910:3610:42Bridging towards ISO 17025 accreditation: Validating automated NGS-based technology with Qiagen ForenSeq MainstAY (MainstAY) and ForenSeq mtDNA Control Region (mtDNA-CR) kits at Bordeaux's Forensic Hematology Laboratory (LHML), a first in France.Dr. Julien PapinFrance
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0810:3011:30Screen 8P-50010:4210:54Effects of DNA polymerases with different properties on error types and rates in PCR and sequencing of STR markersMrs. Tova LindhSweden
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0810:3011:30Screen 8P-50110:4810:54Internal evaluation of the uses and limitations of externally visible characteristics (EVCs) and biogeographical prediction tools for forensic applicationsDr. Lilly MorenoUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0810:3011:30Screen 8P-50210:5411:00Enhancing Signal Precision in SNaPshot Multiplex Kit Genotyping of IRISPLEX TargetsMr. Saurabh PatilIndia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0810:3011:30Screen 8P-50311:0011:06Determination of Human Facial Morphology: Eye and Forehead StructureDr. Zulal SimsekTurkey
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0810:3011:30Screen 8P-50411:0611:12Linking BGA prediction to epigenetic age estimation. A pilot study on the potential of BGA-specific epigenetic age estimation (P)Dr. Jan FleckhausGermany
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0910:3011:30Screen 9P-50710:3010:36Evaluation of an mRNA targeted assay to determine time since depositionMrs. Nadescha HänggiSwitzerland
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0910:3011:30Screen 9P-50810:3610:42Inferencing Fingerprints TsD Based on Copy Number Differences of Multiple mtDNA markersDr. Chong ChenChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0910:3011:30Screen 9P-50910:4210:48The Necrobiome as an Indicator of Postmortem Interval in a Northern Temperate ClimateMrs. Lesley HewettCanada
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0910:3011:30Screen 9P-51010:4810:54Fingertip blood deposition time of day estimation utilizing circadian microRNAs and mRNAsDr. Junyan WangChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0910:3011:30Screen 9P-51110:5411:00 TrACES of Time: Transcriptomic Analyses for the Contextualization of Evidential Stains – towards estimating the time of deposition using targeted RNA sequencingMrs. Annica GoschGermany
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0910:3011:30Screen 9P-51211:0011:06Using the temporal variations of both microbial AsVs and metabolic functional pathways improved the accuracy of TSD estimation for saliva stains Dr. Qiong LanChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S0910:3011:30Screen 9P-51311:0611:12Constructing the Time since Deposition (TsD) Model in Saliva Stains Based on Full-length Sequencing Technology and Microbial MarkersDr. Guangping FuChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1010:3011:30Screen 10P-51610:3010:36Internal Validation of a Modified SALIgAE Saliva Test ProtocolDr. Stavroulla XenophontosCyprus
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1010:3011:30Screen 10P-51710:3610:42Evaluation of mRNA profiling from DNA/RNA co-extraction method and effect of RNA stabilizer treatment.Dr. Chong Min ChoungSouth Korea
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1010:3011:30Screen 10P-51810:4210:48Assessment of simultaneous DNA/RNA/Protein extraction from human remainsMrs. Maria Josefina CastagnolaUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1010:3011:30Screen 10P-51910:4810:54Assessment of DNA and mRNA stability under different conditionsMr. David MooreUnited Kingdom
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1010:3011:30Screen 10P-52010:5411:00Shotgun RNA sequencing of low template blood samples provides information for multiple forensic genetic purposesMs. Alberte Honore JepsenDenmark
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1010:3011:30Screen 10P-52111:0011:06Comparative evaluation of targeted RNA sequencing protocols for gene expression quantification with and without the utilization of unique molecular indices (UMIs)Prof. Cornelius CourtsGermany
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1010:3011:30Screen 10P-52211:0611:12A nanopore sequencing-based mRNA set for body fluids and personal source analysisProf. Zheng WangChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1010:3011:30Screen 10P-52311:1211:18Massively parallel sequencing of mRNA-cSNPs: a typing assay for human identification for hair shaftDr. Jinding LiuChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1010:3011:30Screen 10P-52411:1811:24Optimizing RNA Extraction from Formalin-Fixed Tissues for Forensic Gene Expression Analysis: A Pilot StudyMr. Yosef Tsegaye DabiThailand
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1110:3011:30Screen 11P-52510:3010:36A sequencing assay incorporating coding region SNPs for body fluid identificationDr. Ruiyang TaoChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1110:3011:30Screen 11P-52610:3610:42Persistence of Proteomic Body Fluid Signals in DNA-workflows and in an In Vitro Model of the Post-Coital Interval.Dr. Glendon ParkerUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1110:3011:30Screen 11P-52710:4210:48Reverse Body Fluid Identification Workflow: A Direct to DNA ApproachDr. Maria João PortoPortugal
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1110:3011:30Screen 11P-52810:4810:54PSA and Semenogelin effectiveness to detect semen in sexual assault investigations.Dr. Sara C. ZapicoUnited States
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1110:3011:30Screen 11P-52910:5411:00Identification of Postmortem Blood through detection of D-dimerDr. Gabriela RocaGermany
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1110:3011:30Screen 11P-53011:0011:06Identification and characterization of extrachromosomal circular DNA profiles of four body fluidsDr. Lanrui JiangChina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1110:3011:30Screen 11P-53111:0611:12The Impact of Temperature and Humidity on the Persistence, Detection and Recovery of Semen.Mrs. Tia BeveridgeAustralia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1110:3011:30Screen 11P-53211:1211:18Mass spectrometry-based proteomics as a tool for vaginal fluid identification in forensic casework Dr. Hannah BauerGermany
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1210:3011:30Screen 12P-53410:3010:36FAR FROM HOME: GENETIC IDENTIFICATION OF SPANISH CIVIL WAR VICTIMS Olatz Moreno-LópezSpain
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1210:3011:30Screen 12P-53510:3610:42A multi disciplinary approach to the identification of sandy point manMrs. April StockAustralia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1210:3011:30Screen 12P-53610:4210:48Genetic typing of Italian soldiers found in a Second World War mass grave: a preliminary reportMrs. Barbara Di StefanoItaly
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1210:3011:30Screen 12P-53710:4810:54LR values in the identificacion of victims of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The experience of a big consortium. Prof. Eduardo Arroyo-pardoSpain
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1210:3011:30Screen 12P-53810:5411:00Large scale SNP analysis for the identification of victims from the Spanish Civil WarDr. Isabel Navarro-VeraSpain
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1210:3011:30Screen 12P-53911:0011:06Enhancing Crime Scene Investigation Practices and Training through the Use of Artificial DNAProf. Gábor KovácsHungary
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1210:3011:30Screen 12P-54011:0611:12Brazil’s Convict Genetic Profile Identification Project: Insights After 5 YearsMrs. Aline MinervinoBrazil
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1310:3011:30Screen 13P-54410:3610:42DNA-assisted Identification of human remains in the Iraqi contextDr. William GoodwinUnited Kingdom
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1310:3011:30Screen 13P-54510:4210:48Genetic Identification of victims of the Spanish Civil War and Dictatorship in the Cuelgamuros Valley (Madrid – Spain)Dr. Pedro A. BarrioSpain
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1310:3011:30Screen 13P-54610:4810:54Monitoring success rates of touch DNA samples in cases of volume crime in a high-throughput German police labDr. Jens SöchtigGermany
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1310:3011:30Screen 13P-54710:5411:00The role of NGS mitogenomes and DNA phenotyping in the forensic investigation: casework of newborn abandoned in a dumpsterDr. Carla BiniItaly
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1310:3011:30Screen 13P-54811:0011:06A case of tetragametic chimerism identified during a routine paternity testing case. A Case Report.Dr. Juan YunisColombia
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1410:3011:30Screen 14P-55210:3010:36MPS Proficiency testing results of the GHEP-ISFG program on STR, Y-STR, and mtDNA markers Dr. Koro FernándezSpain
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1410:3011:30Screen 14P-55310:3610:42What is the most efficient DNA extraction method? A thorough review of Gednap extraction efficiency data.Dr. Carsten HohoffGermany
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1410:3011:30Screen 14P-55410:4210:48Successful performance of the Genetic Database of Mendoza, ArgentinaDr. Miguel Eduardo MarinoArgentina
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1410:3011:30Screen 14P-55510:4810:54Prüm implementation in the UK: An example of success through collaborationMr. Andrew RevoirUnited Kingdom
13 Sept.Poster Session 4.S1410:3011:30Screen 14P-55610:5411:00Towards a Common Body of Knowledge for Forensic Genetics: the Most Valuable Publications List and the INTERPOL DNA ReviewsDr. John M. ButlerUnited States
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1110:2011:30Screen 11P-39510:4510:50Advancing Semen Detection Techniques: Utilizing STK®Sperm Tracker to Emphasize Traces and Potentially Define Time Since Deposition (TSD)Dr. Selena CisanaItaly
12 Sept.Poster Session 3.S1310:2011:30Screen 14P-42311:2011:26Advancing Forensic Age Estimation: Insights from Fluorescence Intensity and Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy on Human Semen StainsMs. Sasithon SantikulthaniThailand

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