Congress Program
11st-13rd Septtember

All Congress Sessions will be held at: Auditorio de Galicia

Congress Program
Tuesday 10th September
Tuesday 10th
19:00-20.30 h. Opening Ceremony
20:30-21:30 h. Welcome Cocktail
Wednesday 11st September
Wednesday 11st
General Session 1
New Technologies and Applications

08.30 Charla Marshall (USA)
Plenary Lecture
09:15 Adam Staadig (Sweden)
Advancing Forensic Genetics with Ancient DNA Techniques: Comparative
Assessment of Three SNP Genotyping Approaches
09:30 Catarina Xavier (Portugal)
Challenging the performance of the FORCE hybridization capture assay
with difficult samples
09:45 Bethany Forsythe (Netherlands)
Leveraging mid-density SNP panels to aid in the large-scale
identification of the missing in Vietnam
10:00 Elena Zavala (USA)
Impact of DNA Degradation on the Accuracy of Probabilistic Genotyping
and Imputation of SNPs
10:15-11:45 Break and Poster Session 1
General Session 1:
New Technologies and Applications

11:45 Ane Elida Fonneløp (Norway)
Enhancing Forensic Investigations: Development of a Multiplex PCR Method with 12 Markers for Estimating the Time Since Deposition of Blood Stains
11:57 Ye-Lim Kwon (South Korea)
Denoising of microhaplotype MPS by computational correction and its application to mixed DNA analysis
12:09 Daniele Podini (USA)
Progress of the Microhaplotype Working Group towards the selection of a consensus core set of loci for forensic use.
1:32 Katherine Gettings (USA)
Recommendations of the ISFG DNA Commission on STR Sequence Nomenclature and Challenges with Implementation
12:33 Peter Vallone (USA)
NIST Research Grade Test Materials: A New Collaborative Effort to Address Measurement Challenges
12:45 Discussion
Industry Lunch Symposium


14:30-15:45 General Session 2:
New Technologies and Human Identification

14:30 Kaitlin Huffman (USA)
Micromanipulated single cell subsampling, genetic analysis and probabilistic genotyping for complex mixture deconvolution
14:42 Emily Bibbo (Australia)
Air DNA Forensics: A potential new tool in an investigator’s kit
14:54 Marie Anne Raj Antony Dass (Australia)
Advancing forensic investigations in aquatic environments through environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis
15:06 Meghna Swayambhu (Switzerland)
Exploring the potential of FORmics: “Forensic microbiome and metabolomics-based” approach for body fluid identification
15:18 Erik Francisco Bergseth (Norway)
Forensic Genetics in Historical Context: Identifying 1742 Murder Suspects
15:30 Johannes Hedman (Sweden)
Applying hyperplex PCR for mRNA-based cell type identification
15:45-16:45 Break and Poster Session 2
16:45-17:4515:30 General Session 2:
Human Identification

16:45 Klaas Slooten (Netherlands)
Distinguishing between monozygotic twins in a victim-perpetrator DNA mixture
16:57 Mirna Ghemrawi (USA)
OneShot: Developing a novel methodology for simultaneous genetic and epigenetic sequencing for forensic applications
17:09 Wojciech Branicki (Poland)
DNA methylation in the AHRR gene can accurately identify tobacco smokers and may also be useful in predicting other lifestyle behaviours of a perpetrator
17:21 Dr. Magnus Dehli Vigeland (Norway)
DIVIANA: A free, user-friendly app for complex DVI cases
17:33 David Ballard (UK)
Comparison of forensically relevant large scale SNP panels for complex kinship analysis
18:00-18:15 Break
18:15-19:45 Working Group Meetings
CaDNAP working group meeting, Agenda

All Congress Sessions will be held at: Auditorio de Galicia

Congress Program
Thursday 12nd September
Thursday 12th
General Session 3:
Population Genetics
María Martinón

08:30 María Martinón (Spain)
Plenary Lecture
09:20 Serena Aneli (Italy)
Optimizing Ancestry Informative Markers selection for inferring biogeographical origin of migrant victims along the Central Mediterranean route
09:32 Heleen Coreelman (Belgium)
From familial haplotype to evolutionary haplogroup: Are haplogroup predictions based on Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats accurate enough to identify biogeographical
09:44 Carola Sophia Heinzel (Germany)
Classification in Biogeographical Analysis: When Does it Make Sense and What are the Alternatives?
09:56 Franziska Wilke (USA)
Face-ing the Unknown: 3D Facial Prediction for Forensic Identification
10:08 Maria Wróbel (Poland)
Towards DNA-based prediction of facial appearance – identification of novel loci shaping facial morphology
10:20-11:30 Break and Poster Session 3
General Session 4:
Forensic DNA Phenotyping
Manel Esteller

11:30 Manel Esteller (Spain)
Plenary Lecture
12:20 Laura Schmelzer (Germany)
Evaluation of DNA methylation sites neighboring STRs and iSNPs for potential body fluid determination and contributor assignment
12:35 Ewelina Pośpiech (Poland)
Analysis of genetic and epigenetic data to infer an individual’s perceived age
12:50 Discussion
Industry Lunch Symposium
14:30-15:30 General Session 3+ 4:
Oral Communications

14:30 Wenting Zhao (China)
Genetic prediction model of male-pattern hair loss based on DNA variants
14:42 Bo Min Kim (South Korea)
DNA methylation-based organ tissue identification: marker identification, SNaPshot multiplex assay development, and interlaboratory comparison
14:54 Katja Anslinger (Germany)
“Barcoding” the phenotype with PhenoTrivium+ Panel. A novel MPS assay for enhancing forensic DNA phenotyping of single cells
15:06 Miguel Boullón-Cassau (Spain)
Exploring legal age estimation using DNA methylation
15:18 Robert Hart (USA)
Towards quantitative eye color prediction from DNA using biometrically secure visual iris images
15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-17:30 Special Session: Peter Schneider Memorial
Round Table on DNA Transfer

16:00 Ángel Carracedo (Spain)
16:15 Bas Kokshoorn (Netherlands)
16:30 Mariya Goray (Australia)
16:45 Peter Gill (Norway)
17:00 Q&A Discussion
17:30-18:00 Break
18:00-19:30 General Assembly

All Congress Sessions will be held at: Auditorio de Galicia

Congress Program
Friday 13rd September
Friday 13th
General Session 5:
Statistics and Interpretation
Duncan Taylor

08:30 Duncan Taylor (Australia)
Plenary Lecture
09:15 Mikkel Meyer Andersen (Denmark)
Likelihood ratio calculations based on sequencing error analysis of shotgun sequencing data and dynamic SNP marker sets for human identification
09:30 Yuhan Hu (China)
Predicting the LR value of the mixed DNA profile using random forest regression for database searching
09:42 Séverine Nozownik (Switzerland)
Searching national DNA databases with complex DNA profiles: an empirical study using probabilistic genotyping
09:54 Charles Brenner (USA)
Mixtures and Baskerville data – what isn’t there can exonerate
10:06 Jerry Hoogenboom (Netherlands)
The Best of Everything: Modularizing and Combining Statistical Methods Into the Ultimate Forensic-Genetic Statistics Toolbox
10:18 Michael Nothnagel (Germany)
SMapper: Visualising spatial prevalence data while accounting for data sparseness and incompleteness
10:30-11:30 Break and Poster Session 3
General Session 5:
Oral Communications

11:30 Marielle Vennemann (Germany)
TrACE: An Expert-Driven Proficiency Test for Forensic Genetics and Genomics
11:42 Zehra Köksal (Denmark)
PHYLOIMPUTE – Impute missing data on non-recombining DNA using SNP phylogeny
11:54 Marisa Faustino (Portugal)
The Challenge of X Chromosome Aneuploidies in Kinship Analyses
12:06 Lydie Samie (Switzerland)
Evaluation of DNA results considering activities: practical challenges
12:18 Jeppe Dyrberg Andersen (Denmark)
Whole transcriptome sequencing and investigative genetic genealogy – Is it possible?
12:33 Nathan Scudder (Australia)
Driving policy and engagement through an International Roundtable for Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy
12:45-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:40 General Session 6:
Genetic Genealogy and Ethics
Andreas Tillmar

14:30 Andreas Tillmar (Sweden)
Plenary Lecture
15:15 Monika Stoljarova-Bibb (Estonia)
Getting intelligence with Kintelligence: analysis of known pedigrees and progress report on ongoing cases
15:27 Jessica Watson (Australia)
Analysing the Impact of Information Loss on Kinship Analysis with the ForenSeq® Kintelligence Kit
15:40-16:25 Break
16:25-18:00 General Session 6:
Genetic Genealogy and Ethics

16:25 Martin Bodner (Austria)
Informed consent for forensic population studies: a call for harmonization
16:37 Martin Zieger (Switzerland)
Dealing with incidental findings in Forensic Genetics
16:49 Carlo Robino (Italy)
Ethical Standards in Forensic Population Genetics – A Systematic Review of Forensic Science International: Genetics Publications
17:01 Vanessa Lynch (South Africa)
Disclosure of Biological Sex May Impact Gender and Other Privacy Concerns

Closing Ceremony

17:13 Closing Ceremony
17:30 Conclude and close meeting
20:30 Gala Dinner
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